1. What is the name/class/level/spec/profession of your character?
Name:miraculex:class:rouge:lvl 15:spec:assasination/combat
proffs:engineering and minning
2. Why do you want to join CLOWN?
the guild seem to be very good and funny
3. Do you know a CLOWN member already? If so, who?
4. How old are you?
5. Have you been in any other guilds?
yes, Swedish Maffia
6. If yes to Q5 which and why did you leave?
cuz. they just called me a noob
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Where and how did you hear about CLOWN?
i saw 3 ppl in moonbrook asked if i could join Circus
8. Why do you think there are 2 question eights?
hehe i dont know!
9. Pies - Good or Bad?
I love Strawberry pie so GOOD
10. Do you have any other character(s)? If so, what class/lvl?
yeah i have a lvl 34 mage