Introduce Yourself!
What is this?
The Introduce Yourself forum is a chance to let us know something about yourself. It doesn't matter how much or how little you write, what you write about or how you write about yourself - we just want to get to know you better!
Go on, give it a try
Suggestions for topics
Below are some suggestions for things you might consider adding to your post:
- Your real name, or first name at least.
- Your age
- Your sex
- Your home country/town/city
- Your occupation
- Your hobbies
- Some of your favourite things
- Your favourite drink
- Your favourite dungeon/game
- Your favourite city/country/holiday
- How you heard of CLOWN
You're also welcome to edit your posts after posting them so don't worry if you can't think of much to write now!
Adding photos
You may want to add a photo to your post. To do this, follow the instructions below:
upload a photograph to the RL pics section of our photo gallery.
2. Once that is done, right click on the picture in your web browser and select Properties. The location of the picture should be displayed there - copy the text.
3. Create your post and use the Add Image button in the post editing screen to link to the photo. Paste the image location you copied earlier into the pop-up dialog.
4. Your image should appear on the post!