1. What is the name/class/level/spec/profession of your character?
Ciri/Palladin/57/TANK!!!/Blacksmith (amorer)/Miner (both almost 300)
2. Why do you want to join CLOWN?
I've been playing with some guys and i got verry good impression of the Guild, one of the most succesfull guilds on server. I want to be a part of the Guild which CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!
3. Do you know a CLOWN member already? If so, who?
Heladin (not really know just spoke with him. and i played with some, but can't remember thair names)
4. How old are you?
I'm 23.
5. Have you been in any other guilds?
I was lone rider... untill now
6. If yes to Q5 which and why did you leave?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. Where and how did you hear about CLOWN?
Who HASNT heard about Clown !?!?!
8. Why do you think there are 2 question eights?
So there can be 10 Questions... Looks better then 9 Questions...
9. Pies - Good or Bad?
Nut Pies
Pudding Pies
Pumpkin Pies
Savory Pies
Sweet Potato Pies
Custard and Cream Pies
Fruit Pies
Holiday Pies
Ice Cream Pies
Meringue Pies
10. Do you have any other character(s)? If so, what class/lvl?
Couple... My
GF started Druid ... I have Hunter lvl 19. But i Play my Palla mostly...