There are massive amounts of truly scarey people in USA.
Like the elected Representatives that literally blame the jews for the "lie of Evolution". They also state that the earth does not spin on its axis and the sun revolves around the earth. Really...these are some of USA's law makes.
Places like The Grand Canyon offer both scientific tours...with geology, earth science, information on the animal and plant habitat. Or you can go on the other that says the Earth is 6000 years old and the Grand Canyon was formed in Noah's flood. Ya know...where he built the Ark and gathered 2 of every creature.
LOL No joke, they do this.
In Forgien Aid, the US will reduce help if the poor nations, must struggling with AIDS don't state they are Christian and promote Abstinence only sex-ed. So these people, dying of a horrible diesease don't even get condoms because these religious wackos say sex is yucky or that whenever you get it on God kills a puppy. I think they are all nuts and its getting much worse.
So you are not crazy thinking they are crazy, even and me...we're crazy. But just not that kind of crazy. Does that sound crazy?