Lol, many thanks to ours hosts.
To all CLOWNs, there is some things you have to know if you go to Denmark...
When you arrive at the airport, smell can be awfull.
Indeed, on elevator, there is a button "I fart" to push...
Danish are really strange, they dont pronounce the T but always replace it with D (except if it begins a word). So Fritte is Fridde.
But as they dont say D but L (as all the street names) FE Ystegade is pronounced Ystegall.
If im logical (what i think i am as im a CLOWN after all)==> Fritte should be pronounced Frille.
And words such as testament are really hard to sau then (Teslamenl). Remember that the T at begining of a word is a real one , not as the others.
Another thing is that ALL is EUKOLOGISK in Cph
(food, flowers, tires...)
If you want to taste human flesh, go there as they even have human juice.
Some danish uses words they dont know but they use them (a good example is TOLL (im not sure of the spelling as the word doesnt exist).
Toll was used by Lith each time she wanted to sit next me but noone could translate it or knew it.
Except all these aliens specific thing, i must admit it was an excellent week-end and all CLOWNs from
DK received us like Pie Wardens.
Thanks alot and see you soon.