32 <- have to keep editing this field
(I'm semi curious as to why this is a suggested question - is there anyone we're genuinely unsure about?) - for the record I'm male
atm - Woking - south of england
Software developer / semi-pro eater / volunteer youthworker / dad / year-round biker
Do a lot of youth work when I'm not online, like tinkering with bikes or cars. I'm blessed with a high number of friends so spend a lot of time with them or my family
Some of your favourite things
The sensation of speed in a vehicle, playing with farm machinery, time with friends
Your favourite drink
Guinness or a good whiskey
What to do today
er... I'm a bit lost on this one
I'll be logging into EVE later on and probably go out for a spot of belt hunting for some unsuspecting miners.... yar!!
Your favourite dungeon/game
Atm I'm loving EVE, only a few of us loonies in there but I'm still loving it.
I've enjoyed every game where I meet a new Clown though
Favourite city/country/holiday
Hmm.... I like my homeland of Northern Ireland... favourite holiday is one where I forget I have a job to go back to
Updating this to Austalia.... cause it's massive, it's hot, there's loads to do and everyone's nice. Plus most people own a mx bike unless they live in Sydney (silly people in Sydney)
I'm sure there's more but can't think atm