Yes ladys and gentlemens, Dwarfi is in the buildning!
I just left CAF now, and I hope I can join you

I dont have enougth time 2 raid 3 times in the week with em, got school to ya know
1. What is the name/class/level/spec/profession of your character?
Dwarfi / Paladin / 60 / (0/24/25) Engineering 300 (gnomeish) and here is my gear
2. Why do you want to join CLOWN?
I want to join Clown because I want to have fun
3. Do you know a CLOWN member already? If so, who?
Ehhhh.... Do I need to say all those names??
4. How old are you?

damn, are u so old??!
5. Have you been in any other guilds?
I have been in CAF and in Clown
6. If yes to Q5 which and why did you leave?
I left because I diden't have enougth time 2 raid
7. What is your favourite colour?
Blue!.... and green, I like red to but yellow is allsow a nice color....
8. Where and how did you hear about CLOWN?
Hmmmmm......hard Question....I raid with em?
8. Why do you think there are 2 question eights?
Because 8 is a very nice nr.
9. Pies - Good or Bad?
10. Do you have any other character(s)? If so, what class/lvl?
I have a lvl 55 mage Minimon
Plz Plz Plz Plz!

Lets me join