- Your real name, or first name at least.
- Your age
34 - scary!
- Your sex
- Your home country/town/city
I live a ferry ride across the famous Mersey river. However I'm Scottish and bloody proud of my heathen roots.
- Your occupation
Incident manager for your local friendly Cable TV / Internet / Telephone supplier... Basically I monitor our network and the fault calls that our contact centres get to spot "incidents" that are "outages".
- Your hobbies
WoW, since I started playing this bloody game my real life has vanished! I guess forums have become my hobby (I can play on these even while I'm at work!
I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend who play(ed!) WoW - she's still playing alts - maybe one day she'll come back to her main. Flogger is her in-game name.
I'm also slightly nuts about most things Apple. I used to work in technical support so grew to like them because they work... and when they don't it's easy to fix. I hate windoze and I quitely laugh when someones computer fails.
I should also note - I'm famous within the ExCotH members (and Ex-Exalted ones too) for being rather short tempered. This coupled with a very low boredom threshold means that if you get me on the wrong day I'll chew your arm off.
Good luck to all who are going to be in my raids!!
- Some of your favourite things
- Your favourite drink - Red Wine
- Your favourite dungeon/game - Blackwing Lair
- Your favourite city/country/holiday - Stirling (Scotland) / Venice (Italy) (was there when Americans were stuck in America so it was really nice)
- How you heard of CLOWN - My colleage joined CLOWN - He's no longer a member... but has become active again. Kleric (The frown CLOWN) Cheers A!