Toons: Mclanahan, BlackJack, Tecuma
rl first name: Ernst
Age: 24
Sex: male
Country: The Netherlands and I live in the beautifull town of Gorinchem!
Occupation: I'm in my final year as a student, doing Management, Economics and Law
Kids: No kids yet....but I do hope to have them one day!
Hobbies: I really like to do outdoor sports like tennis & sailing. And at the moment i'm looking to do Aikido! And offcourse I like to play with my computer at times
Other: Well at the moment i'm a proud owner of my own little appartment for almost a full year now. Beside my school work i'm a part time bartender, mostly in the weekend on saturday nights and a few nights during the week. So if you're ever in holland, come visit me and you'll get a few beers from me!
I'm almost finished with my school, i've only got a few things to finish off and then i'll be done. (really looking forward to that!) And at the moment i'm in the process of finding an internship with a company:
*update: The Pie gods seem to be giving me alot of luck

I managed to arrange an internship in Sydney for next year....i'll be spending about 5 months there for an international dredging company, so probably no WoW during that time....i'm allready starting to miss all of you!
Favourite city /places i've been: Well my all time favorite is Sydney (lived there for a few years), and well...i've been all over the world sofar! I've been in America (Las Vegas, Florida), Canada, Cuba, England, Sweden, plenty of european country's, Turkey, Greece, Marocco, Nigeria, Dubai, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii....and still i've got loads of other places on my to do list
Beer or wine?: Well to be honest...I really like everything, but mostly i'll be found with a nice glass of beer in me hands and the occaisonal wine. And not to forget.. Southern Comfort!
Dance or not?: Aye...when yer on the dance floor my motto is, shake that tail feather baby!
Favourite instance: Depends long as i'm playing with you guys and gals, i'm always happy
Flame away gents and lady's!