Your real name, or first name at least. Johan never met some who isnt from Sweden, Finland or Norway that can pronounce that correct
Your age 23
Your sex Male
Your home country/town/city Sweden, Gothenburg, but i can also call Turku for my second "hometown"
Your occupationWork with Ulv and Sacharim(spelling?)
Your hobbies only one thing to say "we are millwall super millwall we are millwall from the den", I like to go to England and see millwall play. I also like to stay in sweden to see IFK Göteborg play. I also have a great interest in the Swedish Airforce wich i have served in as a medic squad leader.[EDIT] just noticed that was more than one thing
Some of your favourite things Football, Swedish Military History, Swedish Air Force, not clean and cook, Hanging out with the lads drinking beer and having a good time.
Your favourite drink Beer but i dont mind a sip of water now and then.
Your favourite dungeon/gameRFC the first one i sat my hoofs in
Your favourite city/country/holiday London/Turku/Helsinki
How you heard of CLOWN One day at work Ulv and Sach came in and they said they wanted to talk with me, sure i said, then Ulv said that if i didnt start to play WoW and join ranks with Clown they whould hurt me, i said sure you gonna, then they showed me the knife. The next day i went to the store to buy the game.
For your information Im aiming at a position as this Forums most profilic poster
[one more edit but this is it] Added a pic of myself in the Rl pic section.