I am not sure you would have to ask Nyte. She and I speak on occasion via IM and not to long ago said she had spoken with someone who either knew me from CLOWN or was CLOWN. (I think she said he forgot his title in CLOWN) So let's assume it was a CLOWN. And he remembered me. Now if I remember right she said he was Dan. Sadly I didn't remember the name.
Please forgive me. I am getting older. Have recently had a pretty serious head and neck injury and at the time of playing UO I had a small child. All combined this Has made me have "senior moments" more and more. I don't always remember names. But us CLOWNs have so many alts. I honestly could know you by another name
So possibly there is another CLOWN lurking in UO that remembers me and mentioned my name to her. Who knows. I figured after all these years..I would have been forgotten in the game. (I think she said the person that knew me had been in UO 10 or 11 years)
Anyway it's good to see that CLOWN are still around in games. I am not sure where my online gaming will take me. Still in SWG some but not as much as I used to be. Nyte has my UO accounts or at least that is who I left them too when I left. (I think I had 5 or 6 of them

) Maybe I will head back to UO at some point.
I do know I live a little over a half hour away from that old man Blade here in Maine. And he WON'T meet me for lunch because he is afraid to ROLFMAO
What kind of CLOWN spirit is this!?!? I don't bite! Well most of the time I don't anyway
Nyte and her husband survived meeting Thorbee, the little jester and me many years ago when they lived in the states. We had a goodtime together and noone was arrested