The above post by Nyte is so true. This is why our little jester (not so little anymore) is not allowed to have a pc in the room, unsupervised. Parental controls and all (this is why some of the things you all send me doesn't make it past my own parental control limits.
LOL I need to be controled as well
The computer age is killing kids. Ask a kid to look something up and what book to use and they are like "why use a book, look it up on the internet"
Our jester is forced to use books and not the internet because we say so
LOL teachers hate us but too bad.
Over half the work kids are being taught today is printed off the internet. They don't even use a ciriculum book anymore. *sigh*
Guess all us computer geeks, unwillingly taught our kids that computers are the in thing.
In regards to AFFIE and PVP, we all knew that and you notice he never did answer me. I still like to think it was because you all were watching my back. But I guess "you just had to burst my bubble" ANd I notice you capitalized ALSO does this mean you all knew I sucked at PvP also ad never said anything? Oh wait there were 2 of you THAT DID say something to me on more than one ocassion on how bad I played. But my playing ability never bothered me, there was other content other then PvP
GM Merchant of many, if not all trades in UO