Hi everyone.
I joined your guild togheter with a bunch of
IRL friends very recently. We heard so much good things about Clown. You aint just a wow guild, but so much more that appeals like comittment, brotherhood etc...
Anyway, shortly about me.
Game profile:
I only been in two guilds before. 2005 i (Arcticfire / Mage) joined a guild called Fusion where i played for 10 month. Decent guild but imo too much focus on raiding and progress that the friendship and causal environment was set a side.
I ended up getting a house with my dear other half. Decided to join Champions Of The Hall to raid less and leave the hardcore behind.
I played there for around a year and a half ending up as Cl/
RL and finaly GM.
So i left them yesterday and joined this "family".
What is my intention now then? What keeps my interest in wow is progress and the friendship and a smile while we play. So i tend to sign up for the raidteam.
I changed toon now after 2 years. So i will have a lvl 70 Dreanai Shaman resto speeced as my main this weekend.
And worth to mention. I take $ for my totems. So if you need earth totem they cost 14 copper each except earth elemental, they are abit more expensive. Oh.. and i would go easy on the grounding totem as they tend to be over market price.
IRL profile:
Not too young and not too old. not old like sorrow ofc..

Live in Landskrona , Sweden.
Work as Team Leader for some IT technichians.
Just ask me if you want to know more.
I look forward to continue my WoW days with you in Clown.
It´s a pleasure to be here.
Best regards