CLOWN's everywhere?

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#16: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Morri , Location: UK Post Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 09:06 AM
Hey all Smile

Slin and myself are still playing WoW, on a PvE server *blushes*

We are doing good, kids are growing fast Smile
Next one is due on the 9th of December, that will be the last one for us Very Happy

This thread was a good idea Smile

#17: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: NeXuS , Location: Sollentuna Sweden Post Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 09:26 AM
Hi well i work to damn mutch right now so when i dont i try to do things i rl so i think i will give up AOC or any other game untill autumn and hope i have more time then

#18: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 02:11 PM
Hiya Morri! Are you sure that will be the last? Mr. Green Give my regards to Slin.

Hiya Nex! Too much work again eh?

#19: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: NeXuS , Location: Sollentuna Sweden Post Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 04:54 PM
yep kind of sucks looks like it even will get worse in the autumn from what the boss did tell us today.
But hell money is good if i had time to spend them Twisted Evil

#20: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Saxon Post Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 08:52 PM
Morri wrote:
that will be the last one for us Very Happy

Have we heard that a couple of times before ? ... Very Happy

I hope you're all doing great and having fun, inside and outside of different games ... Myself is still stuck in WoW, and i'm quite sure i'll be there atleast untill next expansion ... Tried AoC some, but didn't fancy it ...

#21: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Mc , Location: The Netherlands Post Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 05:52 AM
Morri wrote:
that will be the last one for us Very Happy

Thats like saying you'll never eat another pie! Like we believe that Wink

Oh and goodmorning all!

Its nice to see everybody posting here!
How are we all faring today, everybody drove safely to work (or stayed at home due to excesive gaming or alcohol?) once more? Good thing its almost weekend....time for some good old ale and some rest & relaxation.

From the looks of things it seems like some of us are growing up, to busy to play games anymore Shocked who would have figured 'growing' up! Probably just a fling Wink

This WoW stuff is starting to itch a bit over our guild still active on Skullcrusher or has everybody moved to different servers? (seen PVE for Morri & Slin) How about the rest of ya?

Last edited by Mc on Fri Jun 20, 2008 05:52 AM; edited 1 times in total

#22: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 08:36 AM
Mc wrote:
..How are we all faring today, everybody drove safely to work (or stayed at home due to excesive gaming or alcohol?) ...
We have the day off in Sweden - to celebrate "midsummer". Remember that old youtube video where drunk Swedes dressed up in old traditional clothes sang and danced around a strange looking pole covered in flowers? That is what we do today/tonight Mr. Green

Found it! Thnx Corny. Sweedish Party[/quote]
Last edited by Gloom on Fri Jun 20, 2008 08:39 AM; edited 1 times in total

#23: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Mc , Location: The Netherlands Post Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:04 PM
Gloom wrote:
We have the day off in Sweden - to celebrate "midsummer". Remember that old youtube video where drunk Swedes dressed up in old traditional clothes sang and danced around a strange looking pole covered in flowers? That is what we do today/tonight Mr. Green

Shocked Mr. Green Shocked now thats something I would have liked to participate in! I just love that interesting dance, is it a mating ritual or something? Very Happy

So everybody hopefully survived all the funky mushrooms at midsommarfest?
Last edited by Mc on Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:05 PM; edited 1 times in total

#24: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Slinver Post Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 02:09 PM
Hi All Smile
Nice idea for a thread Mc, get people chatting here again Wink

As Morri said we're still playing WoW. I'm looking forward to Starcraft 2 and also to blizz's rumoured new Diablo game. It's a safe bet that'll be good whether it's single player or an MMORPG Very Happy

*waves at everyone*

#25: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 02:23 PM
Hiya Slin! Good to hear from ya Very Happy

#26: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Mc , Location: The Netherlands Post Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 06:10 AM
Heya folks!! Very Happy

How are we all doing today on this, well atleast in Holland, cloudy day?

Slin bro! great to see you here again, figured that you're little scheme of World Domination with Morri and the kids had took all your time away Wink

I've never played Starcraft before actually, yes I know...i'm terrible. But a Starcraft 2 might be MMORPG ya think? Do keep us posted with these infamous rumours i'd say Smile

Do you and Morri have a Wii by the way? (or anybody else for that matter?)

On topic:
And again I ran over a Pagor'ish creature today....whats up with this invasion? I had my windscreenwhipers on full to get all the stains away....

#27: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 08:45 AM
Mc wrote:
But a Starcraft 2 might be MMORPG ya think?
From what I understand SC 2 is a regular sp game. Blizzard will have a press conference coming WWI (this weekend in Paris). It might be about a new MMO (rumors say either World of Diablo or World of Starcraft) or about the release date of the WoW expansion (Wrath of the Lich King). There are several sites out there with theories on the subject. There are hidden symbols and messages in the splash image/css code at They are def up to something Wink

#28: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Slinver Post Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 09:06 AM
Hi Mc Smile
We don't have a Wii currently, buy plan to get one!

Gloom is correct.. Blizz are planning something, but he forgot one option:
World of Lost Vikings!
Or maybe not, hehe..

Whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be up to their usual high standard - and that I'll want to play it Very Happy

#29: Re: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:40 PM
Slinver wrote:
Gloom is correct.. Blizz are planning something, but he forgot one option:
World of Lost Vikings!
Or maybe not, hehe..
Aye correct. How on earth could that one slip my mind? Wink

#30: CLOWN's everywhere? Author: Slinver Post Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 01:26 PM
I've been reading a lot of opinions on the Blizzard stuff.
There's been three slightly different splash screens on the blizzard main site in the last few days.
The first had a rune the *could* be one of the runes from Frostmaune...
The second added a rune that is very very like the Hel rune from Diablo 2...
The third added a rune that is like the Protos symbol..

The order of these is the order the 'worlds' were introduced: Warcraft, then Diablo, then Starcraft

The most common opinion is that Blizzard will be launching an entirely new world, but something I've not seen anyone suggest is that they may be making an announcement about each of the existing ones.
Possibly a launch date for WOTLK, a launch date for Starcraft 2.. and news of Diablo 3?

Will be interesting to see the splash screen tomorrow Very Happy

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