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#1: Back Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:47 AM
Sorry if I've been less than responsive on the website lately - having moved house recently I kinda had limited net access, and the client site I am working at blocks this site (I threw pies to no avail!).

But from tomorrow I have net access at home, and I've worked out that I can access this site through my company's proxy server to bypass the block so all should be back to normal now.

Anything I've missed, or need to do, post it in this thread for my attention Smile

- Yes, I know I need to change the logo back to the normal one.
- ...yes and my avatar Smile

Nice to be back, hope everyone's well.

#2: Re: Back Author: Saxon Post Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 01:23 PM
Welcome back and gratz with your new place Smile

#3: Back Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 01:36 PM
Welcome back Ade! I hope the move was smooth. Very Happy

#4: Back Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 02:01 PM
The move was a pain in the ****. Never ever EVER move over Christmas, I came back to work about 10X more knackered than when I left Sad

Still it's better than renting. I can paint the walls red and white if I want, put up a circus tent in my garden, keep lions, tigers, elephants and whatnot in my spare bedroom and park the tiny-car-with-wheels-that-fall-off on the drive! Now all I'm waiting for is the cupboards to be delivered so I have somewhere to keep all my red noses and plastic-flowers-that-squirt-water and I should have a home fit for any CLOWN Wink

#5: Re: Back Author: Moleman , Location: BorĂ¥s, Sweden Post Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 03:01 PM
When is the house-warming party? Very Happy

Nice to have you back, buddy =)

#6: Back Author: Mc , Location: The Netherlands Post Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:35 PM
Welcome back Smile
Always tricky business when moving places.....but over Christmas must have been an extra challenge to say the least!

Now fix the pics....!! Very Happy

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