CLOWN RL meetings

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#1: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:52 PM
* Gothenburg, Sweden spring 1999 (Ulv's place)
SWE Ulv, Gloom, Valkyria, Jerec of Yew, Kleman, Nexus, Phonkey, Lei-lo, Thoram, Romano, Caramon, Airk, Trybbe af Halle
FIN Balder I, Balder II,
USA Balisarius
NOR Dr Fjeld

* Gothenburg, Sweden, early august? 2000 (Ulv and Valkyria's place)
SWE Ulv, Valkyria, Kleman, Lei-lo, Thoram, Romano, Airk, Nexus, Legolas Longbow, Tsunami, Jerec of Yew, Caramon, Phonkey, Fleptut, Zatan, Zara
USA Rowan, Catarina
GER SingingSis, Inquisitor, Linoo
HOL ActualFantasy, Infinytas
DEN Amoun
UK Sequel, Plauge
FIN Balder (I or II?)
NOR Dr Fjeld

* Belgium, 2000 month?, (Corny's Place)
BEL Corny, Farwan
UK Plague, Sequel, Baratus
GER Torin
HOL ActualFantasy, Infinytas

* Gothenburg, Sweden nov(?) 2000 (Gloom's place)
SWE Ulv, Airk, Gloom, Valkyria
USA Balisarius

* Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2001, ( Ulv's Place)
SWE Ulv, Valkyria, Gloom, Nexus, Airk, Lei-lo, Thoram
UK Plauge, Sequel, Milk
NOR Dr Fjeld

then drove up to

* Örebro, Sweden, August 2001, (Thoram's Place)
SWE Ulv, Tsunami, Jerec of Yew, Svensk, Thoram, Esgaroth, Airk, Tiru, Lei-lo, Romano, Nexus, Pagor
UK Plauge, Sequel
NOR Dr Fjeld
DEN Amoun
GER Torin
FIN Zeddicus, Balder (I or II?)

* Stockholm, Sweden, November 2001, (Tiru's Place)
SWE Tiru, Svensk, Nexus, Pagor
UK Plague, Sequel

* Gothenburg, Sweden june(?) 2002 (Ulv's place)
SWE Ulv, Lei-lo, Gloom, Airk?
USA Balisarius

* Örebro, Sweden month? 2003 (Thoram's place)
SWE Ulv, Thoram, Lei-lo
HOL ActualFantasy

* Reading, England spring? 2003?
UK Milk, Plauge, Sequel
NOR Mithras, Dr Fjeld
SWE Nexus, Thoram

* Copenhagen, Denmark spring? 2004? (Amoun's place)
UK Milk
DEN Amoun
SWE Valkyria

* Bath/Redruth, UK in March 2005
UK Lightrunner, Slinver, Morri, Arioch

* Oslo, Norway july? 2005 (Mithras' place)
SWE Ulv, Nexus
NOR Mithras, Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine, Ulf, Fjeld
UK Sequel, Badger

* London in March 2006
UK Adenas, Lightrunner
BEL Arfandir, Autowash
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine

* Oslo, Norway in July 2006 (Crow's place)
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine, Ulfberg
SWE Ulv, Sascharim, Saurz
UK Adenas

* Oslo, Norway Oct 27-29, 2006 (Raine's place)
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine, Hellsbells, Woodhead, Fjeld
SWE Gloom, Lord Afghan
DEN Lithiana

* Copenhagen, Denmark Jan 19-21, 2007 (Alessi/Demos and Lithiana's place)
DEN Lithiana, Alessi, Demos
UK Adenas
BEL Arfandir, Autowash
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine, Ulf, Mithras
SWE Saurz, Hefaistos, Levina

* Copenhagen, Denmark Jun 1-4, 2007 (Lithiana's place)
DEN Lithiana, Alessi, Demos
UK Lightunner, Adenas, Adenas' GF

* Gothenburg, Sweden Aug 17-19, 2007 (CLOWN 10 Year Anniversary)
SWE Gloom, Levina, Lord Afghan, Moleman, Nexus, Sascharim, Saurz, Thoram, Ulv
UK Adenas, Adenas' GF, Ciar, Lightrunner, Sequel
BEL Arfandir, Autowash
NOR Hellsbells, Seriemester (Tennung)
DEN Lithiana

I know there have been a few more...both in Sweden and abroad...fill us all in! Smile
Last edited by Adenas on Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:42 AM; edited 18 time in total

#2: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Lithic , Location: The Last Bastion of Human Sanity Post Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 07:37 PM
Wasnt there a get together of some kind in London not too long ago? I distinctly remember hearing something about some dancing of one kind or another, might have involved bellies and might have been horrifying to some degree?

#3: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Gloom , Location: Clown Town Post Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 08:55 AM
There was Lith, and there has prolly been other meets as well. And there are prolly people not listed on the dif events who where actually there...we need you lunies to fill in the blanks Very Happy

#4: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Raine Post Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:37 PM
The small one in oslo 2005 also included

UK Sequel, Badger
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine, Ulf

and we had a little "get together" in London in March 2006
UK Adenas, Lightrunner
BEL Arfandir, Autowash
NOR Inyourpocket, Crowbeard, Raine

..and yes Lithic.. you remember correctly (although the rest of us tries to forget) IYP tried his luck as a bellydancer (or was it lapdancer??)

#5: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 02:11 PM
You were all CLOWNs? Woah I thought you were just random marauding Vikings come to kill us all Very Happy

#6: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Anonymous Post Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 06:25 AM
Ah Smile

Delete Adenasfrom the meeting in march!
He was only a little student at the time... He was acting as a guide and he couldn't even find an open pub :/
How did he become a full CLOWN?? Shocked

#7: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Anonymous Post Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 06:26 AM

The anonymous guest was me..


#8: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 08:18 AM
You have problems logging in Raine? It confuses your maurauding Viking mind? Very Happy

I'll have you know I was a full clown at the time (3rd Feb was the clowning) so nya Razz It may have been an administrative mistake, but I am sure as hell gonna take advantage of it!

#9: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Anonymous Post Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:55 AM
first RL meeting was Thoram lei-loo ulv ebrytfaela Kleman the i nead gold i spent all mine and nead yours nowe Clown Gloom valkyria meeting was held at ulv's dungon....

#10: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: NeXuS , Location: Sollentuna Sweden Post Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 04:44 AM
And yes me and Ulv was at this

Small meet in Oslo, Norway july? 2005 (Mithras' place)

#11: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Pagor , Location: Strängnäs Södermanland Post Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 06:24 AM
I was at this
Örebro, Sweden, August 2001, (Thoram's Place)

* Stockholm, Sweden, November 2001, (Tiru's Place)

#12: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: lallare , Location: Stockholm Post Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 08:19 AM
oh the meeting i was at was great!...
Bring in the CLOWNs

#13: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 02:21 PM
Updated with the recent Oslo shenanigans Wink

#14: CLOWN RL meetings Author: drfjeld Post Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:58 PM
Damn I have been to a few...

#15: CLOWN RL meetings Author: drfjeld Post Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:00 PM
and The small one in oslo 2005 also included me.. I showed my nose.. and well went underground again..

Damn I hate the press..

#16: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Raine Post Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 09:17 AM
and Dr. Fjeld actually showed his nose this year too Smile Nice Fjeld Smile

#17: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Lord_afghan , Location: Gothenburg Post Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:20 AM
Gloom wrote:

* Small meet in Copenhagen, Denmark spring? 2004? (Amoun's place)
UK Milk
DEN Amoun
SWE Valkyria

but we 3 drank more then the other meetings combined!

#18: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 07:52 AM
Updated for Gothenburg, but might have it wrong Smile Last edited by Adenas on Mon Aug 20, 2007 07:54 AM; edited 1 times in total

#19: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Hellsbells , Location: Norway Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 08:47 AM
Forgot Seriemester(tennung) from Norway Smile

#20: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 08:58 AM
Ah yep knew there was someone Smile

Thanks hells Smile

#21: CLOWN RL meetings Author: farwan , Location: Brussels Post Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 04:45 PM
i was there on clown meeting 2000, just that i wasn t a full clown Very Happy

#22: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Lightrunner , Location: Under a cork tree Post Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 06:17 AM
There was a very mini-one just over a year ago that went from Redruth -> Bath -> Redruth -> Bath in the UK
Morri, Slin, Ary et moi

Plus another mini-one that Ade and I went to with Alessi, Demos, Lith....dates escape me

#23: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 07:38 AM
OK added these, pls chk 4 errors kthxbye Wink

#24: Re: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Morri , Location: UK Post Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 08:29 AM
Lightrunner wrote:
There was a very mini-one just over a year ago that went from Redruth -> Bath -> Redruth -> Bath in the UK
Morri, Slin, Ary et moi

Plus another mini-one that Ade and I went to with Alessi, Demos, Lith....dates escape me

I believe it was march 2005 Very Happy

Our last house move wasn't so bad Smile

#25: CLOWN RL meetings Author: Adenas , Location: The Tame South Post Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 08:53 AM
Heh, I've moved the entry to March 05 Wink

Light's reply to the question of when that meeting took place was less than helpful - "er... last year? It was hot anyway" Razz

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