Lutze:15-Apr-200713:05:06 I have a great way to make sure that cream cakes NEVER go off.
Morri:15-Apr-200711:37:01 I have cream cakes in the fridge
Lightrunner:15-Apr-200711:22:22 ooo I'd like some ice-cream now I think
Lutze:15-Apr-200710:59:21 This is true.. though I may go and have a sneaky pint at one of the bars below where I work for lunch. 2 days off coming up!
Lithiana:15-Apr-200710:36:28 Poor Lutze.. the good thing is, Ure allowed wine when U get off now.
Lutze:15-Apr-200710:30:37 *sob* I'm stuck in a hot office calling customers to let them know their service is back on - or it's off because some idiot drove a car into the box in the road. Wish I was outside in the sun.
Lithiana:15-Apr-200710:27:01 LOL But it's so bad? Nah, gonna game a lil with my mom... *feels like a winner*
Lutze:15-Apr-200710:13:21 Umm an Alsatian here in the UK is a dog. A german sheppard actually. Anyhoo, watch American Idol instead of listening to Sealion Dion
Lithiana:15-Apr-200710:03:49 Sun's up... but I am pulling a Bridget Kones today... might even get white wine and a couple of alsatians, while listening to Celline...
Gloom:15-Apr-200709:52:46 Id say that depends on the weather outside Lith
Lutze:15-Apr-200709:51:36 I don't know about the ice cream and the crunchie... but the american idol is certainly a large issue!
Lithiana:15-Apr-200709:37:15 Is it pathetic to eat ice cream using a crunchie bar as a spoon... in bed with american idol on the tv?
Lightrunner:14-Apr-200719:23:54 drive on the right! drive on the right!
Lithiana:14-Apr-200718:45:36 Davey is driving a yellow cab as I write...