The Circus

We Appreciate Your Support

Message from Adenas

Hi lunie. As you probably know, this website costs money to run. It is currently located on a virtual private server which hosts a load of websites of mine and which costs quite a bit of money to maintain. The amount that the CLOWN website itself costs is not all that high, but at the moment I cover all of those costs out of my own pocket.

Handy Costs Chart (TM) (Mar. 2009) Domain - £10/year (about €15)
Hosting - £540/year (about €600) - shared between all my websites, so don't be tricked into thinking that's all CLOWN's fault!
Traffic/Bandwidth - Nothing at the moment, touch wood!
Pie Costs - Too high to count.

Therefore if you think I'm doing a good job, and would like to support me in my efforts, click the button below and donate a few pounds/euros/pies towards upkeep of the site. Donators will be put in a special usergroup so they can feel good about themselves and get my eternal gratitude, and maybe something special if we can think of something and it's not too expensive.

Thanks for your support!
Please select an amount:
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(On the PayPal site,
please ensure you click to return to this site,
so your donation is automatically listed here.)
Treasury v9.2.2 ©

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Bring in the CLOWNs!
Interactive software released under GNU GPL, Code Credits, Privacy Policy
CLOWN: Based on Azul-Carbon theme and related images designed by Jamin