The Circus
Current Poll Results
Which game are you looking foward too the most?

Age of Conan27 %27 %27 % 27.50% (55)
Warhammer22 %22 %22 % 22.50% (45)
Pirates of the Burning Sea3 %3 %3 % 3.50% (7)
Bioware & Lucas Arts secret mmo6 %6 %6 % 6.50% (13)
MMOs? I play with myself, thank you!32 %32 %32 % 32.00% (64)
None of the above8 %8 %8 % 8.00% (16)

Total Votes: 200

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 Who are you playing with atm? (34 votes)

 Wich game are you currently playing? (64 votes)

 Wich game will you most likely play? (62 votes)

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Who are you playing with atm?

85 %85 %85 %
14 %14 %14 %
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Votes: 34

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