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NeXuS: afghan
13-Oct-2024 09:52:11
Gloom: CLOWN Discord! check out details on CLOWN facebook !
23-Mar-2019 23:28:09
Gloom: https://www.facebo nguild/
23-Mar-2019 22:31:46
Gloom: Fallout 76 !!!
16-Dec-2018 01:22:10
Lavida: Any Clowns in Lords Mobile?
26-Sep-2018 07:56:39
Romano: Bring In The Clowns!!!
03-Sep-2018 21:37:47
Gloom: Rock ya
06-Aug-2018 16:45:24
Lavida: Hallo everyone long time no see ..
21-Jul-2018 06:15:33
cleo: Damn I miss you all.
16-Jun-2018 03:05:27
cleo: Ah they live!!
16-Jun-2018 03:03:00
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No, Vargas, thats the number of the "beast" Wink

666 is the number of the day Smile

Id consider 147 an ok number. After all its not a prime Wink

ah.... so 147 is a good number?

The unit itself is unimportant Light. Its how many of them that counts Ya winkles

LOL *hugs to the shoutboys*

yeah but do you travel in mph or kph to get there quicker - and cheers Mr. G

481km=298.87894570 70709miles in case you wondered. I bet you didnt Razz

481km.... I can never work out if it's shorter or further when you go km to miles... km's are further... but you get to travel faster

Oh noes... and a guy from work just brought me a huge bowl of candy... seems there is a conspiracy!!!

Stop eating those sweets immediately!!! You should be spanked!!!!

I'd love a bonus about now!

YAY BONUS! I just wish I could stop eating sweets... my teeth are exploding dammit!

Hmmm... Spending most of the day sleeping in front of my screen at work. Hard not to resign when you know you signed another contract. Just waiting for that damned bonus!!!!

LOL Tried to write U this morning, but got DC'ed and then busy at work. But GOOD MORNING CORN DAWG!!!

Morning Mr C!

Guuuuut morning the CLOOOOOOOWNs!

*revives Lith* (new priest spell honest)

1,5 hours approx... *passes out with a proud smile*

How long did you hold your breath Lith? New CLOWN record? Very Happy

*breathes again*

to those who knew and wondered..... I'm still alive... the docs have no idea


wait... no .... come back..... doh!

YAY! Very Happy

Next - All

Boss at 50% on first attempt
We got this on farm guys....good job (Overly confident raid member)

Hello been a long time... Hello been a long time...
Last post by Adenas in forum Clown Hall on Mon Mar 25, 2019 07:44 PM
1 Replies, 25500 Views

Slinver and Morrianna ... Slinver and Morrianna ...
Last post by Lightrunner in forum Clown Hall on Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:15 AM
6 Replies, 37193 Views

Albion Online Albion Online
Last post by Gloom in forum Clown Hall on Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:33 PM
1 Replies, 22615 Views

No man's sky No man's sky
Last post by Gloom in forum Clown Hall on Tue Aug 16, 2016 07:08 AM
2 Replies, 26162 Views

Overwatch Overwatch
Last post by Gloom in forum Clown Hall on Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:33 AM
0 Replies, 22234 Views

Last post by Lightrunner in forum Clown Hall on Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:54 AM
2 Replies, 25978 Views

Re: Wildstar online Re: Wildstar online
Last post by Gloom in forum Clown Hall on Sun Jan 17, 2016 09:33 PM
4 Replies, 32280 Views

Steam group Steam group
Last post by Haegl in forum Clown Hall on Fri Jan 01, 2016 04:07 AM
12 Replies, 48246 Views

Miss you guys! Miss you guys!
Last post by Gloom in forum Clown Hall on Thu Mar 26, 2015 06:13 AM
4 Replies, 33510 Views

Anyone playing Elite:D... Anyone playing Elite:D...
Last post by Baratus in forum Clown Hall on Sat Jan 10, 2015 07:31 AM
0 Replies, 25721 Views

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85 %85 %85 %
14 %14 %14 %
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Votes: 34

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CLOWN: Based on Azul-Carbon theme and related images designed by Jamin