Thoram:22-Jan-201220:59:51 giff More hardcore clowns swtor!!!
cleo:31-Dec-201122:31:39 The force is strong but I am torn. I know it's wrong but I might do it anyway LOL
Gloom:22-Dec-201107:13:50 You cant resist it Cleo. You know you want to
cleo:20-Dec-201115:32:16 Good greif another Star wars game? I just left the lastone LOL Wonder if I should even buy it. I am such an addict to online games LOL
Gloom:18-Dec-201110:55:43 whats your ingame name thoram?
Gloom:18-Dec-201110:41:05 I got on late last night. On atm!
Thoram:17-Dec-201121:46:25 i have playd ther all F**** day and still no oficer on that can invite me ulv and a bunsh of other players
Gloom:17-Dec-201118:46:09 Bloodworthy is the one Thoram
Thoram:17-Dec-201115:32:55 what server are ppl on im on bloodworthy i havent sean a clown in days
Lithic:15-Dec-201117:03:55 You're a bad bad boy Heff(aklump)!