Trikae:03-Jun-200716:52:06 Denmark? Are they playing soccer? Nea can't be!
Pagor:03-Jun-200710:39:45 Nah one Dane hitted one swedish player in the belly then an angry dane cam and hitted the ref
Adenas:03-Jun-200709:46:00 Denmark vs Sweden - was Denmark robbed???
Hefaistos:02-Jun-200718:59:43 Oh how i wish i went to parken today
Lutze:01-Jun-200711:41:32 Lets hope they have bouncebackability. If they are in Chinese companies however you may be screwed.
Minimon:01-Jun-200711:35:49 They have never been some low be4
Vargas:01-Jun-200710:50:51 ohhh. someone had a brainy cracker for breakfast......
Lutze:01-Jun-200709:56:30 Was that meant to be Socks or Stocks? The value of these can go up as well as down.. and past performance is not an indicator of future performance.
Minimon:31-May-200720:18:34 Oh no! My Stocks are fallin'