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The hacker replaced several index pages on the server, which meant this and a couple other of my websites went down (replaced with a picture of a blown-up tank). I guess I should be thankful that they didn't delete/replace more files as the recovery process would have been harder otherwise.
I am taking steps to secure the server further, but until then I urge all site users to change their account passwords if possible. You can do so on the page below:
Posted by
Sunday, December 23, 2007 (11:43:59)
(1361 reads)
Xmas makeover
We're getting closer. Its soon Xmas.
* Remake your avatar
* Post utterly silly Xmas pictures
* Record yourself singing Rudolf the raindeer
* etc etc
Anything counts. Its too early to wish everyone "you know what". In the meantime lets decorate the site (with whatever means we have)
Posted by
Thursday, December 13, 2007 (12:43:40)
(1248 reads)
We want pics!
Come on lunies! Where are all those pics from the RL meet? Surely there are more then those already posted/uploaded? Share your pictures with the rest of the lunies
Posted by
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 (07:32:25)
(1418 reads)
CLOWN SWG wants you!
CLOWN TOWN has been rebuilt. The shuttle is up and CLOWNs have been reported to steal rebel pie all over the galaxy. There is nothing else to say really.